Russian National Contact Point on «Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy & Biotechnology» in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (NCP “Biotechnology”) acts on the basis of the Agreements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.14.601.21.0002 dated 16.10.2014.
NCP “Biotechnology” was established in 2007 according to the Order № 62 by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in the frames of co-operation in EU 7-th Framework Programme.
NCP “Biotechnology” is organized on the basis of Research Center of Biotechnology RAS (former A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry RAS).
Russian NCP “Biotechnology” as a part of the network of National Contact Points provides guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon 2020. The main task of NCP “Biotechnology” is collection and dissemination of information about Horizon 2020 related to food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, bio-economy and biotechnology for better sustainable cooperation between Russian and European researches.
The main activities of NCP “Biotechnology” include:
- Provision of the information interface between Russian and European scientific communities, dissemination of information about EC research projects and program;
- Comprehensive organizational, informational, consultative and other actions for Russian scientific and research organizations willing to participate in international projects associated with food quality, food safety, and related problems.
Tasks of NCP “Biotechnology”:
- Preparation of reference materials for Russian companies in the program of scientific and technological innovation and development of the EU “Horizon 2020”, in the food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Provision of consulting services to Russian researchers on the program “Horizon 2020”.
- Analysis of scientific programs, funds and projects of the Member States of the European Union, within which it could cooperate with Russian organizations and researchers in the field of food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Elaboration of materials for posting in the Internet, providing development of communications between Russian and European participants in the international science, technology and innovation in the food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Development of information and reference materials about the participation of Russian companies in the research programs and projects of the EU and EU Member States in the field of food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Development of tools for inform European researchers about the scientific potential of Russia’s leading research organizations, programs, funds and projects, which are open to cooperation with the EU in the field of food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Analysis of the problems, encountered by Russian research organizations in the preparation and participation in international scientific and technical programs in the field of food and agricultural biotechnology, development of recommendations to overcome them.
- Analysis of projects, which was formed with the support of the NCP and financed in the framework of international scientific and technical programs.
- Preparation of proposals for the implementation of effective public policies aimed at developing of the sector of research and development, aimed at improving the current system of mechanisms of cooperation between Russia and the EU in science and technology and innovation in support of the task force TaskForce in food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Development of materials for training workshops, aimed on the development of skills of the Russian scientific community in preparing applications for the competition of international programs in the field of food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Development of materials for events (information days / workshops / webinars / conference) on scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and the EU with representatives of Russian regional research and education centers and EU experts in the field of food and agricultural biotechnology.
- Updating of the database “Biotechnology”.
- Creating of registry of regional centers.
Leninsky pr. 33, building 3, room. 36 – 37
119071 Moscow, Russia