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Valery P. Varlamov
Areas of research:
- Chemical modifications of chitosan aimed at enhancing the biological properties of the polymer and increaseof water solubility
- Chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan by acids and commercial hydrolases
- Development of systems for targeted delivery of biological active substances
- Study of intracellular transport of chitosan, its derivatives and nanoparticles based on them
- Construction of biocomposites based on polysaccharides and bioactive compounds
- Investigation of degradation of chitin and chitosan in a low-temperature plasma
- Physico-chemical analysis methods (HPLC, AFM, electrophoresis, antioxidant activity, viscometry)
- Creation and investigated of biocomposite films based on chitosan
- Development of a method for producing chitin from insects
- Determination of interaction of chitosan and its derivatives with blood components
- Study of the influence of main chitosan characteristics on the growth of phytopathogens (Botrytis сinerea).
Selected publications:
1. E.V.Svirshchevskaya, L.G. Alekseeva, P.D. Reshetov, N.N. Phomicheva, S.A. Parphenyuk, A.V. Ilyina, V.S. Zueva, S.A. Lopatin, A.N. Levov, V.P. Varlamov. Mucoadjuvant properties of lipo- and glycoconjugated derivatives of oligochitosans. European journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2009. V.44. Р. 2030-2037.
2. A. Il’yna, A. Levov, V. Orlov, V. Varlamov. Preparation of nanoparticles based on N-acylchitosan in the presence of tripolyphosphate. Advances in Chitin Science, 2009,v.XI, 22-26
3. H. Ehrlich, Y. N. Elkin, A. A. Artyukov, E. P. Kozlovskaya, V. A. Stonik, P. P. Safronov, V. V. Bazhenov, D. V. Kurek, V. P. Varlamov, R. Born, H. Meissner, G. Richter. Simple method for preparation of nanostructurally organized spines of sand dollar Scaphechinus mirabilis (Agassiz 1863). // Marine Biotechnology. 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s10126-010-9310-2.
4. Ehrlich H., Ilan M., Maldonado M., Muricy G., Bavestrello G., Kljajic Z., Carballo J.L., Shiaparelli S., Ereskovsky A., Schupp P., Born R., Worch H., Bazhenov V.V., Kurek D., Varlamov V., Vyalikh D., Kummer K., Sivkov V.V., Molodtsov S.L., Meissner H., Richter G., Steck E., Richter W., Hunoldt S., Kammer M., Paasch S., Krasokhin V., Patzke G., Brunner E. Three dimensional chitin-based scaffolds from Verongida sponges (Demospongiae: Porifera). Part I. Isolation and Identification of Chitin. // 2010, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, V. 47, p. 132-140.
5. .Ehrlich H., Steck E., Ilan M., Maldonado M., Muricy G., Bavestrello G., Kljajic Z., Carballo J.L., Shiaparelli S., Ereskovsky A., Schupp P., Born R., Worch H., Bazhenov V.V., Kurek D., Varlamov V., Vyalikh D., Kummer K., Sivkov V.V., Molodtsov S.L., Meissner H., Richter G., Hunoldt S., Kammer M., Paasch S., Krasokhin V., Patzke G., Brunner E., Richter W. Three dimensional chitin-based scaffolds from Verongida sponges (Demospongiae: Porifera). Part II. Biomimetic Potential and Applications. // 2010, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, V. 47, p. 141-145.
6. V Tikhonov, E Stepnova, S. Lopatin, V.Varlamov, A. Ilyina, I. Yamskov . The unusual bell-like dependence of the activity of chitosan agsinst penicillum vermoesenii on chitosan molecular weight//in book: “Chitosan: Manufacture, Properties and Usage”, 2011,Chapter 17, pp.315-326
7. AA Zubareva, A.V. Ilyina, A.N.Levov, V.S. Zueva, EV Svirshevskaya, VP Varlamov. Protein delivery by nanoparticles formed by chitosan-N-acyl derivatives// Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives// 2011, v. XVI, 61-70
8. S. Kulikov, V.Tikhonov, I.Blagodatskich, E.Bezrodnych, S.Lopatin, R.Khairullin, Y.Philippova, S. Abtamchuk. Molecular weight and pH aspects of the efficacy of oligochitosan against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)// Carbohydrate Polymers, 2012, v.87, pp. 545-550. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.08.017 (IF=3.628)
9. Voropaeva N., Figovsky O., Ibraliu A, Shehu I. , Kadiasi N., Varlamov V., Karpachev V. Research of processing presowing seeds by nanochips and study the effects of nanotechnology on growth, development and crop capacity. Журнал «Scientific Israel- Technological Advanced” (ISSN-1565-1533), vоl. 14, no. 1, 2012, р. 98-102. .
10. Voropaeva N., Figovsky O., Varlamov V., Karpachev V. Innovative technologies for application of promising macro- and microfertilizers together with novel (nano) materials. Журнал «Scientific Israel – Technological Advanced”, 2012. (ISSN-1565-1533), vоl. 14, no. 1, 2012, р. 103-105.
11. Anastasia Zubareva, Alla Ilyina, Aleksander Prokhorov, Denis Kurek, Mikhail Efremov, Valery Varlamov, Sevda Senel, Pavel Ignatyev, Еlena Svirshchevskaya. Characterization of protein and peptide binding to nanogels formed by differently charged chitosan derivatives// Molecules. 2013, 18, 7848-7864.
12. I.V. Leppyanen, T.O. Artamonova, S.A. Lopatin, V.P. Varlamov, I.A. Tikhonovich, E.A. Dolgikh, Biosynthesis of Hexa_ and Pentameric Chitooligosaccharides Using N-_acetyl-_glucoseaminyl Transferase from Rhizobial Bacteria// Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 368–381. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014. I.V. Leppyanen, T.O. Artamonova, S.A. Lopatin, V.P. Varlamov, I.A. Tikhonovich, E.A. Dolgikh, 2013, published in Ekologicheskaya Genetika, 2013, Vol. 11,No. 2, pp. 58–72.
13. Anastasia A. Zubareva, Tatyana S.Shcherbinina, Valery V.Varlamov, Elena V.Svirshchevskaya. Biodistribution of Doxorubicine-loaded Succinoyl Chitosan Nanoparticles in Mice Injected via Intravenous or Intranasal Routes// Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives, 2014, V. XIX, P. 145-154. DOI: 10.15259/ PCACD.19.18
14. К. Skryabin, I.Tikhonovich, V.Varlamov. Chitosan: a wonder polymer // Science in Russia, 2014, №6, 4-12
15. AA Zubareva, TS Shcherbinina, VP Varlamov, EV Svirshchevskaya. Intracellular sorting of differently charged chitosan derivatives and chitosan-based nanoparticles// Nanoscale, 2015, v.7, p.7942-7962. DOI: 10.1039/c5nr00327. IF=7.5
16. IA Evdokimov, LR Alieva, VP Varlamov, VD Kharitonov, TV Butkevich, VP Kurchenko. Usage of chitosan in dairy products production// Foods and Raw Materials, 2015, v.3, №2, pp.29-39, DOI: 10.12737/13117.
17. SN Kulikov, RZ Khairullin, VP Varlamov. Influence of Polycations on Antibacterial Activity of Lysostaphin// Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2015, V.51, N 6, p.683-687.
18. Balzhima Ts. Shagdarova, Alla V. Ilyina, Sergey A. Lopatin, Vladimir P. Korobov, Larisa M. Lemkina, Valery P. Varlamov. Formation and characterization of succinoyl chitosan particles loaded with warnerin// Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives,2015, V. XX, pp.246-253. DOI: 10.15259/PCACD.20.24
19. A.V. Il’ina, V.P. Varlamov. In vitro Antitumor Activity of Heterochitooligosaccharides (Reviw)// Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2015, v.51, № 1, pp.1-10
20. A.V. Il’ina, V.P. Varlamov. Neutralization of Reactive Oxygen Species by Chitosan andc Its Derivatives in vitro/in vivo(Reviw)// Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2016, v.52, № 1, pp.1-14
21. B.Ts. Shagdarova, A.V.Il’ina, V.P.Varlamov. Antibacterial Activity of Alkylated and Acylated Derivatives of Low-Molecular Weight Chitosan// Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2016, v.52, № 2, pp. 222-225
22. A.V. Il’ina, D.V. Kurek, A.A. Zabareva, M.M. Il’in Jr., N.M. Mestechkina, V.P.Varlamov. Preparation and characterization of biopolymer nanoparticles based on lactoferrin-polysaccharide complexes// Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2016, v.102, pp.33-38
23. CHITOSAN. – Editors: Konstantin G. Skryabin, Sergey N. Mikhailov, Valery P. Varlamov,– Moscow. Centre «Bioengineering» RAS, 2013. – 593 p.
24. Vasilieva T., Lopatin S., Varlamov V., Miasnikov V., Hein A.M., Vasiliev M. Hydrolysis of chitin and chitosan in low temperature electron-beam plasma // Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2016, V.88(9), p. 873-879 (DOI: 10.1515/pac-2016-0603)
25. Chudinova Y.V., Kurek D.V., Varlamov V.P. Molecular structure and formation of chitosan and pectin based thin films // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives, 2016, V.21, p.18-26 (DOI: 10.15259/PCACD.21.02)
26. Zubareva A.A., Boyko A.A., Kholodenko I.V., Larina M.V., Doronin I.I., Vishnyakova P.A., Molotkovskaya I.M., Kholodenko R.V., Rozov F.N., Aliev T.K. Chitosan nanoparticles targeted to the tumor-associated ganglioside GD2 // Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2016, V. 42(5), p. 532-545 (DOI: 10.1134/S1068162016050150).
27. Vasil’eva T.M., Lopatin S.A., Varlamov V.P. Production of the low-molecular-weight chitin and chitosan forms in electron-beam plasma // High Energy Chemistry, 2016, V. 50(2), p. 150-154 (DOI: 10.1134/S0018143916020089).
28. Zubareva A.A., Svirshchevskaya E.V. Interactions of chitosan and its derivatives with cells (review) // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2016, V. 52(5), p. 465-470 (DOI: 10.1134/S0003683816050185).
29. Lyalina T.S., Zubareva A.A., Varlamov V.P., Svirshchevskaya E.A. Cross-presentation of lactoferrin encapsulated into chitosan-based nanoparticles // Nanobiomedicine (Rij), 2016, V.3, Jan-Dec. (DOI: 10.1177/1849543516667355).
30. Chudinova Y.V., Shagdarova B.T., Il’ina A.V., Varlamov V.P. Antibacterial effect of peptide conjugates with a quaternized chitosan derivative and its estimation by the method of atomic force microscopy // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2016, V. 52(5). p. 496-501. (DOI: 10.1134/S0003683816050069)
31. Shagdarova B. Ts., Drozd N. N., Il’ina A.V., Logvinova Yu. S., Varlamov V. P. Neutralization of Anticoagulant Activity of Heparin by N-[(2-Hydroxy-3-Trimethylammonium) Propyl] Chloride Derivatives of Chitosan // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 445–451 (DOI:10.1134/S0003683816040141).
32. Zubareva A.A., Shagdarova B.Ts., Varlamov V.P., Kashirina E., Svirshchevskaya E.. Penetration and toxicity of chitosan and its derivatives // European Polymer Journal, 2017; Is.: 743-749. (DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2017.04.021).
33. Konovalova M.V., Markov P.A., Durnev E.A., Kurek D.V., Popov S.V., Varlamov V.P. Preparation and biocompatibility evaluation of pectin and chitosan cryogels for biomedical application // Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A, 2017, V.105(2), p. 547-556 (DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35936)
34. Chudinova Y.V., Kurek D.V., Varlamov V.P. Molecular Architecture of Natural Polysaccharide Based Thin Films // Solid State Phenomena, 2017; Vol.258, p. 358-361. (DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.258.358).
35. T. Vasilieva, D. Chuhchin, S. Lopatin, V. Varlamov, A. Sigarev, M. Vasiliev Chitin And Cellulose Processing In Low-Temperature Electron Beam Plasma // Molecules, 2017, V. 22(11): pii: E1908. (DOI: 10.3390/molecules22111908).
36. A. V. Il’ina, В.Ts. Shagdarova, A. P. Lun’kov, S. N. Kulikov, V. P. Varlamov In vitro antifungal activity of metal complexes of a quaternized chitosan derivative with copper ions // Microbiology, 2017, V.86, Iss. 5, pp 590–595 (DOI: 10.1134/S0026261717050101).
37. Drozd N.N., Logvinova Y.S., Shagdarova B.Ts., A.V. Il’ina, V.P. Varlamov. The inhibition of human platelet aggregation by a low-molecular weight chitosan // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives. 2018; Vol.23: 55-65. (DOI: 10.15259/PCACD.23.05)
38. Lun’kov A.P., Shagdarova B. Ts., Zhuikova Yu. V., Il’ina A.V., Varlamov V.P. Properties of Functional Films Based on Chitosan Derivative with Gallic Acid // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2018, Volume 54, Issue 5, pp 484–490 (DOI: 10.1134/S0003683818050137)
39. Lunkov A.P., Ilyina A.V., Varlamov V.P. Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Fungicidal Properties of Chitosan Based Films (Review). // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2018, Vol. 54, No., pp. 449–458 (DOI: 10.1134/S0003683818050125)
40. Shagdarova B.Ts., Lunkov A.P., Il’ina A.V., Varlamov V.P. Investigation of the Properties of N-((2-Hydroxy-3-Trimethylammonium) Propyl) Chloride Chitosan Derivatives // International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019; Vol.124: 994-1001. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.11.209).
41. Polyudova T. V., Shagdarova B. Ts., Korobov V. P. and Varlamov V. P. Bacterial Adhesion and Biofilm Formation in the Presence of Chitosan and Its Derivatives // Microbiology, 2019, V. 88, № 2, p. 1–8.
42. Khayrova A., Lopatin S., Varlamov V. Black Soldier Fly Hermetia illucens as a Novel Source of Chitin and Chitosan // International Journal of Sciences, 2019, V. 8(04), p. 81-86 (DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2015).
43. Natalia N. Drozd, Balzhima Ts. Shagdarova, Yulia V. Zhuikova, Alla V. Il’ina, Michael N. Vasiliev, Tatiana M. Vasilieva, Aung Miat Hein, Valery P. Varlamov // THROMBORESISTANT SILICON PLATES MODIFIED WITH CHITOSAN AND HEPARIN BY THE LAYER-BY-LAYER ASSEMBLY METHOD
44. Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives, 2019, XXIV,p.5-22, DOI: 10.15259/PCACD.24.001
45. V.P. Varlamov, A.V.Il’ina A.V., B.Ts. Shagdarova, A.P.Lunkov, I.S. Mysyakina. Chitin/chitosan and Its Derivatives: Fundamental Problems and Practical Approaches // Biochemistry (Moscow),2020,V.85, Suppl.1, pp.S154-S176, DOI: 10.1134/S0006297920140084
46. Khayrova A., Lopatin S., Varlamov V. Obtaining chitin, chitosan and their melanin complexes from insects // International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021. №167. P. 1319–1328. Impact factor – 6.953 (Q1). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.11.086
47. Khayrova A., Lopatin S., Varlamov V. Obtaining and study of physicochemical properties of chitin/chitosan-melanin complexes from Hermetia illucens // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021. №1942. P. 012003. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1942/1/012003
49. Karpova N.V., Shagdarova B.T., Lunkov A.P., Il’ina A.V., Varlamov V.P. Antifungal action of chitosan in combination with fungicides in vitro and chitosan conjugate with gallic acid on tomatoes against Botrytis cinerea // Biotechnology Letters. – 2021. – Т. 43. № 8. P. 1565–1574. IF= 2.457
50. D.B. Kiselevsky, A.V. Il’ina, A.P. Lunkov, V.P.Varlamov,V.D.Samuilov// Investigation of the Antioxydant Properties of the Quaternized Chitosan Modified with a Gallic Acid Residue Using Peroxidase that Produces Reactive Oxygen Species, Biochemistry (Moscow), v.87, № 2, pp.141-149
51. Khayrova A., Lopatin S., Shagdarova B., Sinitsyna O., Sinitsyn A., Varlamov V. Evaluation of Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties of Low Molecular Weight Chitosan Extracted from Hermetia illuciens Relative to Crab Chitosan// Molecules, 2022, 27, 577. https://doi.org/10.33.90/molecules27020577, IF=3.920
52. Lunkov A., Shagdarova B., Lyalina T.,Dubinnyi M.,Karpova N.,Lopatin S.,Il’ina A., Varlamov V. Simple method for ultrasound assisted “click” modification of azido chitosan derivatives by CuAAC// Carbohydrate Polymers, 282, (2022), 119109. IF=9.381
53. Drozd N.N., Lunkov A.P., Shagdarova B.Ts., Zhuikova Y.V., Il’ina A.V., Varlamov V.P. Chitin/heparin layer-by-layer coating for improving thromboresistence of polyurethane//Surface and Interfaces,2022, 28, 101674,IF=4.837