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Tamara N. Nazina Dr.Sci. (Biology) Head of Laboratory Laureate of the Premium of Russia Government in Science and Technology INMI, room 305 ![]() ![]() |
The Laboratory of Petroleum Microbiology was founded in 1996 year. In the Laboratory are carrying out the studies of microbial communities of subsurface ecosystems including petroleum and gas reservoirs, underground gas storages and deep disposal sites for liquid radioactive wastes. The rates of biogeochemical processes of sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, methane oxidation and acetogenesis in petroleum reservoirs with various physicochemical conditions were estimated by radioisotope methods. A range of new genera and species of hydrocarbon-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing and methanogenic prokaryotes were described. Biology, metabolism and production of compounds useful for the enhancement of oil recovery were studies in isolated strains. Mechanisms of adaptation of microbial populations to stressful environmental factors are studying. Bacterial preparates for the treatment of natural and technogenic ecosystems and petroleum equipment from crude oil pollution were developed.
A range of biotechnologies for the enhancement of oil recovery based on activation of stratal microbiota were developed. Due to its application more than 750 thousand tons of additional oil was recovered. In 1995, academician M.V. Ivanov and Professor S.S. Belyaev, Dr. E.P. Rozanova, Dr. T.N. Nazina, PhD I.A. Borzenkov, PhD E.I. Milekhina were awarded by the Premium of Russia Government in Science and Technology for the development and wide practical application of MEOR technologies. New MEOR technologies and biopreparates for remediation of ecosystems contaminated with crude oil were patented (more 10 patents).
The Laboratory collaborated with oil-producing companies and researches of Tatarstan and Western Siberia (Russia), Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Germany, China (China National Petroleum Co.), and USA (Glori Energy Co.).
Since the foundation of the Laboratory were defended 1 doctor thesis and 11 PhD thesis.
Selected publications:
- Semenova, E.M.; Grouzdev, D.S.; Sokolova, D.S.; Tourova, T.P.; Poltaraus, A.B.; Potekhina, N.V.; Shishina, P.N.; Bolshakova, M.A.; Avtukh, A.N.; Ianutsevich, E.A.; Tereshina, V.M.; Nazina, T.N. Physiological and genomic characterization of Actinotalea subterranea sp. nov. from oil-degrading methanogenic enrichment and reclassification of the family Actinotaleaceae. Microorganisms. 2022, 10, 378. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10020378
- Sokolova, D.S.; Semenova, E.M.; Grouzdev, D.S.; Bidzhieva, S.K.; Babich, T.L.; Loiko, N.G.; Ershov, A.P.; Kadnikov, V.V.; Beletsky, A.V.; Mardanov, A.V.; Zhaparov, N.S.; Nazina, T.N. Sulfidogenic Microbial Communities of the Uzen High-Temperature Oil Field in Kazakhstan. Microorganisms. 2021, 9, 1818
- Nazina, T.N., Bidzhieva, S.K., Grouzdev, D.S., Sokolova, D.S., Tourova, T.P., Parshina, S.N., Avtukh, A.N., Poltaraus, A.B., Talybly, A.K. Soehngenia longivitae sp. nov., a fermenting bacterium isolated from a petroleum reservoir in Azerbaijan, and emended description of the genus Soehngenia. Microorganisms. 2020, 8, 1967. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8121967
- Safonov, A.V., Perepelov, A.V., Babich, T.L., Popova, N.M., Grouzdev, D.S., Filatov, A.V., Shashkov, A.S., Demina, L.I., Nazina, T.N. Structure and gene cluster of the O-polysaccharide from Pseudomonas veronii A-6-5 and its Uranium Bonding. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020, 165, pp. 2197-2204. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.10.038
- Bidzhieva, S.K., Sokolova, D.S., Grouzdev, D.S., Kostrikina, N.A., Poltaraus, A.B., Tourova, T.P., Shcherbakova, V.A., Troshina O.Yu., Nazina, T.N. Sphaerochaeta halotolerans sp. nov., a novel spherical halotolerant spirochete from a Russian heavy oil reservoir, emended description of the genus Sphaerochaeta, reclassification of Sphaerochaeta coccoides to a new genus Parasphaerochaeta gen. nov. as Parasphaerochaeta coccoides comb. nov. and proposal of Sphaerochaetaceae fam. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2020. V. 70, No. 8, 4748–4759. First Published: 22 July 2020 https://doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.004340
- Tourova, T., Sokolova, D., Nazina, T., Grouzdev, D., Kurshev, E., Laptev, A. Biodiversity of microorganisms colonizing the surface of polystyrene samples exposed to different aqueous environments. Sustainability. 2020, 12, 3624. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093624
- Nazina T.N., Babich T.L., Kostryukova N.K., Sokolova D.S., Abdullin R.R., Tourova T.P., Poltaraus A.B., Kalmykov S.N., Zakharova E.V., Myasoedov B.F., Nagaosa K., Kato K. Microbial diversity and possible activity in nitrate- and radionuclide-contaminated groundwater. In book: Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment I. Kato K., Konoplev A., Kalmykov S.N. (eds.). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Chapter 2. P. 35–66. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0679-6_2
- Nazina T., Babich T., Kostryukova N., Sokolova D., Abdullin R., Tourova T., Kadnikov V., Mardanov A., Ravin N., Grouzdev D., Poltaraus A., Kalmykov S., Safonov A., Zakharova E., Novikov A., Kato K. Ultramicrobacteria from nitrate- and radionuclide-contaminated groundwater. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1239; doi:10.3390/su12031239
- Nazina, T., Sokolova, D., Grouzdev, D., Semenova, E., Babich, T., Bidzhieva, S., Serdukov, D., Volkov, D., Bugaev, K., Ershov, A., Khisametdinov, M., Borzenkov, I. The potential application of microorganisms for sustainable petroleum recovery from heavy oil reservoirs. Sustainability 2020, 12, 15; doi: 10.3390/su12010015.
- Nazina, T., Sokolova, D., Grouzdev, D., Semenova, E., Babich, T., Bidzhieva, S., Serdukov, D., Volkov, D., Bugaev, K., Ershov, A., Khisametdinov, M., Borzenkov, I. The Potential Application of Microorganisms for Sustainable Petroleum Recovery from Heavy Oil Reservoirs. Sustainability 2020, 12, 15, doi:10.3390/su12010015.
- Nazina T., Babich T., Kostryukova N., Sokolova D., Abdullin R., Tourova T., Kadnikov V., Mardanov A., Nikolai Ravin N., Grouzdev D., Poltaraus A., Kalmykov S., Safonov A., Zakharova E., Novikov A., Kato K. Ultramicrobacteria from nitrate- and radionuclide-contaminated groundwater. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1239, doi:10.3390/su12031239.
- Kato K., Nagaosa K., Kinoshita T., Kastsuyama C., Nazina T.N., Ohnuki T., Kalmykov S.N. Microbial ecological function in migration of radionuclides in groundwater. In book: Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment I. Kato K., Konoplev A., Kalmykov S.N. (eds.). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Chapter 1. P. 1–34. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0679-6_1.
- Nazina T.N., Babich T.L., Kostryukova N.K., Sokolova D.S., Abdullin R.R., Tourova T.P., Poltaraus A.B., Kalmykov S.N., Zakharova E.V., Myasoedov B.F., Nagaosa K., Kato K. Microbial diversity and possible activity in nitrate- and radionuclide-contaminated groundwater. In book: Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment I. Kato K., Konoplev A., Kalmykov S.N. (eds.). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Chapter 2. P. 35–66. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0679-6_2
- Belyaev S.S., Borzenkov I.A., Nazina T.N., Rozanova E.P., Glumov I.F., Ibatullin R.R., Ivanov M.V. Use of Microorganisms in the Biotechnology for the Enhancement of Oil Recovery. // Microbiology (Moscow). 2004. 73. N. 5. 590-598.
- Bonch-Osmolovskaya, E A., Miroshnichenko, M. L., Lebedinsky, A. V., Chernyh, N. A., Nazina, T. N., Ivoilov, V. S., Belyaev, S. S., Boulygina, E. S., Lysov, Yu. P., Perov, A. N., Mirzabekov, A. D., Hippe, H., Stackebrandt, E., L’Haridon, S., Jeanthon, C. Radioisotopic, culture-based, and oligonucleotide microchip analyses of thermophilic microbial communities in a continental high-temperature petroleum reservoir // Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2003. 69, No. 10, 6143–6151.
- Nazina T.N., Tourova T.P., Poltaraus A.B., Novikova E.V., Grigoryan A.A., Ivanova A.E., Lysenko A.M., Petrunyaka V.V., Osipov G.A., Belyaev S.S., and Ivanov M.V. Taxonomic study of aerobic thermophilic bacilli: descriptions of Geobacillus subterraneus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Geobacillus uzenensis sp. nov. from petroleum reservoirs and transfer of Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bacillus thermocatenulatus, Bacillus thermoleovorans, Bacillus kaustophilus, Bacillus thermoglucosidasius and Bacillus thermodenitrificans to Geobacillus as the new combinations G. stearothermophilus, G. thermocatenulatus, G. thermoleovorans, G. kaustophilus, G. thermoglucosidasius and G. thermodenitrificans. // International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2001. 51. 433-446.
- Nazina, T.N., Sokolova, D.Sh., Grigoryan, A.A., Shestakova, N.M., Mikhailova, E.M., Poltaraus, A.B., Tourova, T.P., Lysenko, A.M., Osipov, G.A., Belyaev, S.S. 2005. Geobacillus jurassicus sp. nov., a new thermophilic bacterium isolated from a high-temperature petroleum reservoir, and the validation of the Geobacillus species. // Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 28. 43-53.
- Nazina, T. N., Shestakova, N. M., Grigo’yan, A. A., Mikhailova, E. M., Tourova, T. P., Poltaraus, A. B., Feng, Cingxian, Fangtian, N. I., and Belyaev, S. S. Phylogenetic diversity and activity of anaerobic microorganisms of high-temperature horizons of the Dagang oil field (P.R. China). Microbiology (Moscow). 2006. 75. 55–65.
- Nazina, T.N., Sokolova, D.Sh., Grigor’yan, A.A., Xue, Y.-F, Belyaev, S.S., and Ivanov, M.V. Production of Oil-Releasing Compounds by Microorganisms from the Daqing Oil Field, China // Microbiology (Moscow). 2003. 72, no. 2. 173–178.
- Nazina T.N., Shestakova N.M., Pavlova N.K., Tatarkin Y.V., Ivoilov V.S., Khisametdinov M.R., Sokolova D.Sh., Babich T.L., Tourova T.P., Poltaraus A.B., Belyaev S.S., Ivanov M.V. Functional and phylogenetic microbial diversity in formation waters of a low-temperature carbonate petroleum reservoir // International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. July 2013. V. 81. P. 71-81.
- Nazina T.N., Luk’yanova E.A., Zakharova E.V., Konstantinova L.I., Kalmykov S.N., Poltaraus A.B., Zubkov A.A. Microorganisms in a disposal site for liquid radioactive wastes and their influence on radionuclides // Geomicrobiol J. 2010. 27. Iss. 5. P. 473–486.
- Nazina T.N., Grigor’yan A.A., Shestakova N.M., Babich T.L., Pavlova N.K., Ivoilov V.S., Belyaev S.S., Ivanov M.V., Feng Q., Ni F., Wang J., She Y., Xiang T., Mei B., Luo Z. MEOR study enhances production in a high-temperature reservoir. World Oil J. 2008. June. P. 97-101.
- Shestakova N.M., Ivoilov V.S., Tourova T.P., Belyaev S.S., Poltaraus A.B. Nazina T.N. Application of Clone Libraries: Syntrophic Acetate Degradation to Methane in a High-Temperature Petroleum Reservoir: Culture-Based and 16S rRNA Genes Characterization. C. Whitby, T.L. Skovhus (eds.), Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Oil Field Systems. 2010. Chapter 6. P. 45-53.
- Sidorov D.G., Borzenkov I.A., Milekhina E.I., Belyaev S.S., Ivanov M.V., Ibatullin R.R., Khramov I.T. A field experiment on decontamination of oil-polluted soil employing hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms. // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 1997. V. 33. № 5. P. 441-445.