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Aleksandr G. Bulaev Ph.D. Head of Laboratory INMI, room 307 ![]() ![]() |
Main fields of researches are the following:
- Diversity of acidophilic microorganisms
- Diversity of nitrifying microorganisms
- Development and optimization of biohydrometallurgical technologies
Development of hydrometallurgical technologies for treatment of metallurgical wastes
The laboratory has great experience in studying of acidophilic microorganisms involved in oxidation of sulfide minerals in natural ecosystems (mineral deposits) and technological processes. New sprcies of acidophilic microorganisms such as Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans, S. thermotolerans, S. sibiricus, Ferroplasma acidiphilum were isolated and studied in the laboratory. Researchers of the laboratory participated in development and optimization of biohydrometallurgical processes applied in industrial scale.
Researchers working in the laboratory made a crucial contribution in studying of nitrifying microorganisms. New representatives of nitrifying microorganisms such as Nitrospira moscoviensis, «Candidatus Nitrosophaera gargensis», and «Candidatus Nitrosotenuis uzonensis» as well as the first known COMAMMOX nitrifier «Ca. Nitrospira inopinata» were isolated in the laboratory and studied in collaboration with leading European microbiologists such as prof. E. Bock (Hamburg University) and prof. M. Wagner (University of Vienna).
Selected publications:
- Ehrich S., Behrens D., Lebedeva E., Ludwig W., Bock E. A new obligately chemolithoautotrophic, nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrospira moscoviensis sp. Nov. And its phylogenetic relationship. — Archives of Microbiology, 1995, v. 164. № 1. p. 16-23. (DOI: 10.1007/BF02568729)
- Golyshina O.V., Moore E.R.B., Abraham W.-R., Lünsdorf H., Timmis K.N., Yakimov M.M., Golyshin P.N., Pivovarova T.A., Karavaiko G.I., Kondrat’eva T.F. Ferroplasma acidiphilum gen. Nov., sp. Nov., an acidophilic, autotrophic, ferrous-iron-oxidizing, cell-wall-lacking, mesophilic member of the Ferroplasmaceae fam. Nov., comprising a distinct lineage of the archaea. — International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2000, v. 50. № 3. p. 997-1006. (DOI: 10.1099/00207713-50-3-997)
- Melamud V.S., Pivovarova T.A., Tourova T.P., Kolganova T.V., Osipov G.A., Lysenko A.M., Kondrat’eva T.F., Karavaiko G.I. Sulfobacillus sibiricus sp. nov., a new moderately thermophilic bacterium — Microbiology. 2003, V. 72. № 5. с. 605-612 (DOI: 10.1023/A:1026007620113)
- Lebedeva E.V., Alawi M., Bock E., Spieck E., Fiencke C., Namsaraev B. Moderately thermophilic nitrifying bacteria from a hot spring of the baikal rift zone. — FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2005, v. 54. № 2. p. 297-306 (DOI: 10.1016/j.femsec.2005.04.010)
- Karavaiko G.I., Bogdanova T.I., Tourova T.P., Kondrat’eva T.F., Tsaplina I.A., Egorova M.A., Krasil’nikova E.N., Zakharchuk L.M. Reclassification of ‘Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans subsp. Thermotolerans’ strain k1 as Alicyclobacillus tolerans sp. Nov. and Sulfobacillus disulfidooxidans dufresne et al. 1996 as Alicyclobacillus disulfidooxidans comb. Nov., and emended description of the genus Alicyclobacillus. — International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2005, v. 55. № 2. p. 941-947 (DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.63300-0)
- Bogdanova T.I., Tsaplina I.A., Kondrat’eva T.F., Melamud V.S., Tourova T.P., Karavaiko G.I., Duda V.I., Suzina N.E. Sulfobacillus thermotolerans sp. Nov,. A thermotolerant, chemolithotrophic bacterium. — International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2006, v. 56. № 5. p. 1039-1042 (DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.64106-0)
- Hatzenpichler R., Stoecker K., Daims H., Wagner M., Richter A., Lebedeva E.V., Spieck E. A moderately thermophilic ammonia-oxidizing crenarchaeote from a hot spring. — Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of America, 2008, v. 105. № 6. p. 2134-2139 (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0708857105)
- Fomchenko N.V., Muravyov M.I., Kondrat’eva T.F. Two-stage bacterial-chemical oxidation of refractory gold-bearing sulfidic concentrates. — Hydrometallurgy. 2010, 101. № 1-2. P. 28-34 (DOI: 10.1016/j.hydromet.2009.11.009)
- Lebedeva EV, Hatzenpichler R, Pelletier E, Schuster N, Hauzmayer S, Bulaev A, Grigor’eva N.V., Galushko A., Schmid M., Palatinszky M., Paslier D.L. , Daims H., Wagner M. Enrichment and genome sequence of the group i.1a ammonia-oxidizing archaeon «Ca. Nitrosotenuis uzonensis» representing a clade globally distributed in thermal habitats. — PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (11): e80835 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080835)
- Muravyov M.I., Bulaev A.G., Kondrat’eva T.F. Complex treatment of mining and metallurgical wastes for recovery of base metals. — Minerals Engineering. 2014., v. 64. p. 63-66 (DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.04.007)
- Daims H., Lebedeva E., Pjevac P., Han P., Herbold C., Albertsen M., Jehmlich N, Palatinszky M., Jierheilig J., Bulaev A., Kirkegaard R., von Bergen M., Rattei T., Berndinger B., Nielsen P., Wagner M. Complete nitrification by Nitrospira bacteria // Nature. 2015. 528 (7583). P. 504-509
- Kits K.D., Sedlacek C.J., Lebedeva E.V., Han P., Bulaev A., Pjevac P., Daebeler A., Romano S., Albertsen M., Stein L.Y., Daims H., Wagner M. Kinetic analysis of a complete nitrifier reveals an oligotrophic lifestyle // Nature. 2017. V. 549. Is. 7671. P. 269-272.в
- Fomchenko N.V., Muravyov M.I. Effect of sulfide mineral content in copper-zinc concentrates on the rate of leaching of non-ferrous metals by biogenic ferric iron // Hydrometallurgy. 2019. V. 185. P. 82-87
- Muravyov M., Panyushkina A. Distinct roles of acidophiles in complete oxidation of high-sulfur ferric leach product of zinc sulfide concentrate // Microorganisms. 2020. Т. 8. № 3. 386
- Muravyov M., Panyushkina A., Bulaev A., Fomchenko N. Biobeneficiation of bulk copper-zinc and copper-nickel concentrates at different temperatures // Minerals Engineering. 2021. V. 170. 107040
- Bulaev A., Nechaeva A., Elkina Y., Melamud V. Effect of carbon sources on pyrite-arsenopyrite concentrate bio-oxidation and growth of microbial population in stirred tank reactors // Microorganisms. 2021. Т. 9. № 11. 2350
- Panyushkina A., Bulaev A., Belyi A.V. Unraveling the central role of sulfur-oxidizing acidiphilium multivorum lms in industrial bioprocessing of gold-bearing sulfide concentrates // Microorganisms. 2021. Т. 9. № 5.984