Research units

...+7 (495) 660-34-30 ext. 462 E-mail: Laboratory of Bioenergetics | Head of the Laboratory: Nadezhda P. Yurina V Head of the Laboratory: Nadezhda P. Yurina, Professor, Dr.Sci. (Biology) Tel.:...


...International cooperation of the Research Center of Biotechnology RAS includes: multilateral cooperation in international projects and programs; bilateral international cooperation between Russia and individual countries; cooperation with international organizations...

Group of bioanalytical systems

...Alexander E. Urusov Head of the Group Ph.D. (Chemistry) INBI, build.1, room. 333 +7 (495) 954 28 04 Key words: Быстрый иммуноанализ, тест-полоски, иммунобиохимия, наночастицы, иммунохроматография, внелабораторная...