The Core Facility “Bioengineering” was established in 2003 as a structural division of the Institute of Bioengineering.

The main task of the Core Facility “Bioengineering” is to provide state-of-the-art equipment to perform research in the field of high-throughput genomics, molecular diagnostics, and biomedical engineering.

The Core Facility “Bioengineering” is equipped with a modern high-throughput complex of unique equipment – an automated DNA sequencer (capillary ABI 3100 and ABI 3730; a Roche 454 FLX pyrosequencer; an Ion Torrent semiconductor sequencer), robotic workstations for the automation of specific steps in the sequencing process, including clone library construction, diluter dispensers, and various PCR machines.

Highly qualified personnel with extensive experience assist in research and training customers to use new techniques. All works are carried out on modern high-precision equipment using the latest methods and high-quality consumables.


60 let Oktjabrya pr-t , 7, bld. 1
117312 Moscow, Russia
Telefone +7 499 135 1240
Fax +7 499 135 0571