Лаборатория инженерии биополимеров: симбиоз длиною в десятилетия

...общество», сердце которой находится в лаборатории инженерии биополимеров Института биоинженерии РАН. В Академическом районе города Москвы, под всевидящим оком президиума РАН, разместилось немало научных институтов. Есть среди них настоящие архитектурные...


...Research Center of Biotechnology RAS promotes international cooperation mainly with the European Union. EU-Russia joint activities in the field of biotechnology are regularly carried out allowing a closer coordination between...

Group of fungal genetic engineering

...of the enzymes of biotransformation of beta-lactam antibiotics and sperm-specific glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase (Belozersky Institute, MSU). Particularly, we have developed efficient expression systems for production of recombinant PPX1,PPN1, PPN2, DDP1 –...

Research units

...+7 (495) 958-10-70 E-mail: nyurina@inbi.ras.ru Laboratory of Molecular Genetics | Head of the Laboratory: Vitaly V. Kushnirov V Head of the Laboratory: Vitaly V. Kushnirov Dr. Sci. (Biology) Tel.: +7...


...institution: the Research Center of Biotechnology RAS has all the necessary material and equipment, as well as highly skilled staff for the successful implementation of master courses. In order to...