Intellectual property

...Method for production of confectionary flour products Ulanova Ruzaliya Vladimirovna Kravchenko Irina Kontantinovna Motuzko Anna Nikitichna Zajchik Boris Tsalerevich 2687367 13.05.2019 Method of sausage products production Ulanova Ruzaliya Vladimirovna Kravchenko...


...International cooperation of the Research Center of Biotechnology RAS includes: multilateral cooperation in international projects and programs; bilateral international cooperation between Russia and individual countries; cooperation with international organizations...

NCP “Biotechnology”

...Russian National Contact Point on «Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy & Biotechnology» in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon...

Laboratory of Enzyme Engineering 204   +7 (495) 952-34-41, General information Structural and functional studies of enzymes Our laboratory performs structural and functional studies of macromolecules (proteins and their complexes), covering...

Laboratory of Molecular Imaging

...Viсtoriya V. Zherdeva Ph.D. (Biology) Head of Laboratory INBI, build. 2, room 118 General BACKGROUND Key words: molecular imaging, time-resolved fluorescence, magnetic resonance imaging, proteinases, fluorescent proteins,...

Лаборатория гипертермофильных микробных сообществ

...продуцируемых экстремофильными микроорганизмами Russia, France, Germany   Диссертации ЗАЩИЩЕННЫЕ ДИССЕРТАЦИИ № Диссертант Диссертация Тема работы Научный руководитель/ консультант Год защиты 1 Мирошниченко М.Л. докторская Биоразнообразие анаэробных термофильных микроорганизмов морских гидротермальных...