...communications and reviews of the latest advances in various areas of microbiology. The journal responds to the events in the Russian and international science and publishes reviews of new books....

Group of Metabolic Engineering of Bacteria

...biosynthesis. Elucidation of peculiarities of hidden metabolism in directly engineered multiply-modified recombinant E. coli strains. Unbalanced fermentation. Selected publications: Skorokhodova A.Yu., Gulevich A.Yu., Debabov V.G. Engineering Escherichia coli for efficient...

Group of Microbial Genoms Editing

...recombination, NHEJ DNA repair, mycobacteria, latent tuberculosis, persistence, toxin-antitoxin loci, BCG, live recombinant vaccines. Research areas: Applying CRISPR / Cas for editing mycobacterial genomes CRISPR / Cas interference Mycobacterium toxin-anti-toxin...

Карта сайта

...“Bioengineering” Core Facility “UNIQEM Collection” Greenhouse Laboratory Databases Collections COOPERATION INTERNATIONAL EVENTS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS NCP “BIOTECHNOLOGY” RUSSIAN CHITIN SOCIETY TP BIOTECH2030 CLIB2021 ПРЕСС-ЦЕНТР Official branding Media Press Centre Contacts...


...other research areas. Since 1983 the Research Center of Biotechnology RAS together with the Russian Chitin Society (President Prof. Valery Varlamov), the Scientific Council of RAS on biotechnology, institutes of...

Лаборатория гипертермофильных микробных сообществ

...сообществ и накопительных культур ПЦР-ДГГЭ генов 16S рРНК и функциональных генов транскриптомный анализ флюоресцентная гибридизация in situ (FISH, CARD-FISH) Биоинформатические методы: определение филогенетического положения новых изолятов построение филогенетических деревьев на...